
Friday, June 3, 2011

Wisdom teeth: what are they and what problems they pose for you?

Wisdom teeth are called "third molars" and usually develop in a person aged 17 to 25, although approximately 25% to 35% of the population never develops wisdom teeth. For those who reach their, there are all kinds of possibilities and complications that may arise. Generally, individuals develop four of them, one in each corner of the mouth. If the four "third molars" regularly grow alongside the other teeth, they can provide a healthy advantage in the mouth. More often than not, however, wisdom teeth must be extracted due to problems and complications.

Impingement of wisdom teeth

The term "impaction" is used in the review of the teeth in General has failed to emerge in its expected position. The majority of the wisdom teeth fall into this category, mainly because he did is not enough place in your jaw to accommodate the teeth. There are a few different types of impaction that dentists see regularly, and they all come with their own unique set of problems for the person living with them.

Impingement may be mesial, distal or horizontal or vertical. A horizontal impaction occurs when the tooth of wisdom grows in sideways, about 90 degrees in the direction of the rest of the teeth. With a horizontal impingement, the tooth of wisdom grows to the rest of its teeth. A distal impaction occurs when the tooth is found in approximately an angle of 45 degrees to the direction of the other teeth. Impaction mesial is the opposite of distal where the tooth is growing in to the other. Finally, vertical impaction occurs when the tooth is in vertical growth.

The other major distinction of this type of impaction is if it is a "bony" of impaction or impingement "of soft tissue." A soft tissue impaction is the term that indicates the tooth broke into the os, but not the gums. A bone impingement, however, is a term that describes the teeth if they are still encased in the bones of the jaw.

If you remove wisdom teeth?

Apart from impingement, there are several other problems that can cause an if these teeth are left in the mouth. Even if the secular justification for the removal of wisdom teeth is the alignment or displacement of other teeth in the mouth, if wisdom teeth are left to grow, some of these justifications are subject to debate and interpretation. It is certainly the case that step of all the world wisdom teeth must be extracted. Indeed, they do not cause problems only by the nature of development.

However, there are some justifications very real for the wisdom teeth removed if you are therefore invited by your dentist. For example, pericoronitis is a condition in which an infection occurs in tissue that surround the Crown of a tooth of wisdom partially erupted. Infection occurs primarily due to the presence of bacteria, which accumulates because it is almost impossible to clean the tooth is only partially through the gum.

Similar situations can also cause if your wisdom tooth is an increased risk to dental caries. A few teeth of wisdom or positioned such that, as in the case of pericoronitis, they are difficult to clean and remove plaque that forms. As a regular tooth plate which develops has a chance to transform into decomposition, if not disturbed. For the wisdom teeth, it can be harmful particularly problematic since a dental filling may not adequately resolve the problem.

Some other complications occurring after left wisdom tooth in the mouth include damage the neighbouring teeth and cysts and tumours may develop. These are two rare occurrences, but are still possible with any set of wisdom teeth, given the right circumstances.

Serious and chronic pain are also reasons for the Elimination of these teeth. Some people experience tremendous pain during the period where the tooth begins to erupt, which is perhaps one of the main reasons that you can make an appointment with the dentist in the first place. If they are in eruption or not, they all have the potential to cause pain, whether the pain caused by damage that the tooth is made for the other teeth in the mouth, its wrong position or for another reason. In fact, a person with a tooth of wisdom may be affected not only pain, but also of bleeding and swelling, lower lip numbness or a persistent sinus opening.

Evaluation of wisdom teeth

Before you have your deleted wisdom teeth, and before that the dentist does recommendations, he or she will have a complete set of x-ray to confirm that they must be removed. Rays x allows the dentist to see impaction type it processes and determine the potential of your wisdom teeth cause problems with your other teeth on the road. The fact is that the rays x is necessary because not all wisdom teeth can be seen just by looking in the mouth. For example, a horizontal, bone wisdom tooth affected cannot be considered, since it is below the gum line.

Extraction of the tooth of wisdom

If you are having your wisdom teeth removed at the recommendation of your dentist, surgical extraction procedure involves the application of a local or general anaesthesia. According to how the tooth of wisdom is difficult to remove, the whole procedure should take a typical dental visit and not more.

However, after the procedure, you will need to follow some basic follow-up care to prevent any further problems. To control the bleeding after extraction of the tooth of wisdom, you can chew on a piece of gauze or even a bag of tea. Swelling is also possible during the period of recovery, which is normally five to seven days. In your post-operative appointment with the dentist or oral surgeon, he or she will remove any stitches if they were not self-dissolving.

Your dentist may recommend following a few simple guidelines for the days following surgery. For example, you want to avoid rinsing the mouth for the first 24 hours after surgery. You want to attach to a regime of soft-food or liquid only during the first 24 to 36 hours, gradually progressing to normal and easy-to-chew food. When you begin to eat, you want to avoid chewing with teeth opposite to the side of the mining site. The dentist will also recommend rinse with salt water after every meal at least until your followed by appointment.

Although certainly wisdom teeth play an important role or serve purpose as well as the other teeth or molar in your mouth, they can certainly cause many problems. Perhaps the best attention for them comes from your dentist, who continually can your mouth x-ray and monitor what your wisdom teeth. The dentist may make recommendations for your wisdom teeth extraction before ever, they start to cause problems in your mouth.

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